Artist News

PIC logoMy involvement with PIC was born out of hours of observation of the gorillas at the Columbus Zoo. Through a shared passion for these wonderful animals, I met four dynamic individuals: Charlene Jendry, Jeff Ramsey, Barb DeLorme, and Judy Hoffman Bolton.  These four conceived and formed Partners In Conservation in 1991.

The mission of this group is to create “…educational programs for children and adults that address wildlife and the needs of local people, and to raise money to benefit both conservation and humanitarian projects.” I was honored when they asked me to design a logo for their organization.

I have great respect for this group. I have seen them in action,and they do not just throw money at a problem!  Every year they travel for  six weeks to visit their Rwandan and Congolese partners in order to be more responsive to their specific needs.  This commitment has become increasingly valuable in the wake of the genocide that swept Rwanda in 1994.

PIC’s income comes from The Columbus Zoo, the Rwandan Fete (PIC’s annual fundraiser), the sale of artisan merchandise, partner in the zoo community, donations and grants. All money raised benefits projects in Rwanda and the DRC.

For more information about Partners In Conservation, please contact Mayme Norman at or visit their Web site.


PIC partners


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