Artist News

spacer Roz Carr arrived in Rwanda more than 50 years ago and fell in love with the beauty of Rwanda and the dignity of its people. In order to make a living for herself, this amazing American woman purchased land near the Virunga Mountains and started a business growing and selling cut flowers. Roz developed a friendship with Dian Fossey and some of the scenes from Gorillas in the Mist were filmed on Roz’s flower farm.

At the age of 82, Roz made the decision to rebuild her home and business, and, at the same time, founded the Imbabazi Orphanage to care for children orphaned by the genocide. (The children seen in the PIC logo are some of the residents of this special place.)

This remarkable woman passed away in September 2006 at the tender age of 94. PIC began providing operating expenses for the Imbabazi Orphanage in 1995 and, following Roz’s death, will not only continue helping care for 116 children but also will help fund tuition fees for secondary and college students. 

For more information about the Imbabazi Orphanage, please visit their Web page.            

For more information about Partners In Conservation, please contact Mayme Norman at or visit their Web site.


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